He cheated on me michael kors online outlet I dont even
know what to say to him.My dh works at a convenience store and always has women
flirting with him and trying to get his number.He would always give them their
register total or some random number.We would always laugh about it or about him
going to see his girlfriend.Nothing more than that.Well for the last 2 days i
have had this icky feeling like something bad was going to happen.Couldnt shake
it and i even told him this yesterday evening.He didn't really say anything in
response.Feeling continued last night and i tried to look in his phone at his
texts.Yes, i understand snooping is wrong but i just had a feeling.His phone was
locked so i said oh well.Well, i watched as dh did the code to unlock it, so
after he went to bed i went upstairs and checked his phone.I start reading a
bunch of texts between him and this girl.She is accusing michael kors
bags australia him of giving her an std(Which is bullshit b/c when i was
pregnant i got checked and was clean.He hasnt been with anyone other than me and
her), cursing him out, calling him all sorts of shit, and making references to
them having sex.When i confronted dh he told me everything.Apparently they had
sex 3 times in the last 2 weeks.He ended it last week only after she started
calling herself his girlfriend?Wtf on top of this, his stupid ass didn't use a
condom b/c the girl is already 4 months pregnant by some other dude so he didn't
feel the need.Hello, stds dumb mothereffer!I am just so confused, hurt, angry,
and betrayed.I dont even know where to begin to recover. She is accusing him of
giving her an std(Which is bullshit b/c when i was pregnant i got checked and
was clean.He hasnt been with anyone other than me and her), cursing him out,
calling him all sorts of shit, and making references to them having sex. Sorry,
but how do you trust he was only with michael kors handbags outlet you and
her?I wouldn't believe a fricking thing that came from his lieing lips.I would
get checked again and throw his sorry ass out.You deserve beter. And this:Then
he says later that"Well, we were trying a relationship to see where it would
lead".What the fuck. That's just sick to me.Let him go and be thankful if you
don't have an std. Yes, he and i both are getting checked.I am just sick over
all of it.He has always been a loving devoted husband, and is just head over
heels for our son.Most attentive dad and mainly a sahd except 2 nights a week
and yes he was actually working.Have the paychecks to prove it!He was sort of
blank and unemotional at first, but had a complete melt down later.Told me he
didn't deserve me or our son.And he is right.At least not the part about me
anyways.I just dont know what i want to do.Part of me still loves him and by all
of your replies i know you probably dont understand that.Part of me sees how
cavalier he was about all this and thinks was this the first time and will he
try it again in the future.To make matters even worse, i have been having self
esteem issues since having the baby and he has gone on a new med that according
to him takes away his sex drive.The few times we have had sex he hasnt been able
to finish.Now i wonder if it is the meds or if he was just too tired from being
with her recently.Ugh.Gross.
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